ICODA HOLIDAY: Discipleship Day
DISCIPLESHIP DAY 5 August Celebrating the miracle of discipleship in the disciple’s life. Commemorates Swami Premodaya’s 5 August 1983 formal initiation as a disciple of Osho. "Discipleship is a vehicle […]
DISCIPLESHIP DAY 5 August Celebrating the miracle of discipleship in the disciple’s life. Commemorates Swami Premodaya’s 5 August 1983 formal initiation as a disciple of Osho. "Discipleship is a vehicle […]
MEDITATIONS FOR MODERN TIMES GUIDED MEDITATIONS created by SWAMI PREMODAYA Restreaming every Tuesday @ 11:00AM & 7:00PM (Pacific Time) on ICODA's YouTube & Facebook pages “THE CALL TO […]
MEDITATIONS FOR MODERN TIMES GUIDED MEDITATIONS created by SWAMI PREMODAYA Restreaming every Tuesday @ 11:00AM & 7:00PM (Pacific Time) on ICODA's YouTube & Facebook pages “THE CALL TO […]
The ‘Beyond Self’ Training Program™ is an intensely focused and powerful curriculum, based on the cultivation of true insight and understanding regarding the nature of consciousness and the actual structures […]
Swami Premodaya Satsangs & Spiritual Discourses Restreaming every other Thursday @ 11:00AM & 7:00PM (Pacific Time) on ICODA’s YouTube & Facebook pages "YOU CAN'T BE FAILING AS LONG AS YOU'RE TRYING TO MOVE […]
Swami Premodaya Satsangs & Spiritual Discourses Restreaming every other Thursday @ 11:00AM & 7:00PM (Pacific Time) on ICODA’s YouTube & Facebook pages "YOU CAN'T BE FAILING AS LONG AS YOU'RE TRYING TO MOVE […]
SATURDAYS 2:00pm (US Pacific Time) Online on Zoom In your life thus far, you've been taught to allow the forces of your conditioned tendencies, unbridled mind and self-obsessed ego, to determine […]
SATSANG IS THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH 2:00pm to 3:30pm (US Pacific Time) Online on Zoom Satsang with Swami Premodaya is a deeply intimate meeting that provides the rare […]
MEDITATIONS FOR MODERN TIMES GUIDED MEDITATIONS created by SWAMI PREMODAYA Restreaming every Tuesday @ 11:00AM & 7:00PM (Pacific Time) on ICODA's YouTube & Facebook pages “THE CALL TO […]
MEDITATIONS FOR MODERN TIMES GUIDED MEDITATIONS created by SWAMI PREMODAYA Restreaming every Tuesday @ 11:00AM & 7:00PM (Pacific Time) on ICODA's YouTube & Facebook pages “THE CALL TO […]
The ‘Beyond Self’ Training Program™ is an intensely focused and powerful curriculum, based on the cultivation of true insight and understanding regarding the nature of consciousness and the actual structures […]
SATURDAYS 2:00pm (US Pacific Time) Online on Zoom In your life thus far, you've been taught to allow the forces of your conditioned tendencies, unbridled mind and self-obsessed ego, to determine […]