Bhakti Talk Podcast - Episode 1 - titled "Delivered to the Master"
Bhakti Talk Podcast
Bhakti Talk Podcast - "Delivered to the Master" - Episode 1

“Delivered to the Master”

Longtime spiritual practitioners and best friends Swami Sky and Ananda Dev share their fascinating stories of how they were each delivered to the feet of their spiritual master, Swami Premodaya.  Listen to their miraculous adventures and hear the undeniable “neon signs” of confirmation on how meeting Guruji was arranged by the Divine itself.

Swami Premodaya says, “God doesn’t create music, he arranges it.  You are the music.”

Watch this full episode on YouTube or listen and subscribe to the Bhakti Talk Podcast on any of the major streaming services.


presented by

International Centers of Divine Awakening